The Parent & Child Wellness Center
Your resource for tools, strategies, and healing for you and your family
Health and Wellness Coaching
Health and wellness coaching is a coaching program where clients work one-on-one with their health and wellness coach to improve their health and well-being. The wellness coach will help clients set goals, overcome obstacles to reaching those goals, and support clients as they make the changes towards attaining the healthy lifestyle that they desire.
Health and wellness coaching sessions at The Parent & Child Wellness Center can support clients wishing to make change, but are not limited to supporting them, in the following areas:
​​Losing weight
Quitting smoking
reducing stress
Improving interpersonal relationships
Eating a healthier diet
Achieving a better work-life balance
Increasing life satisfaction
Prioritizing self-care
Practicing a positive mindset​​​​
Initial 1 hour wellness coaching session is a $150 investment
Follow up 45 minute coaching sessions are a $125 investment.
SPECIAL BUNDLE OFFER: 6 wellness coaching sessions for an investment of $660. Email Mary Kate to learn more!